482. The Pharcyde, "Bizarre Ride II the Pharcyde"
"If you want to get a white girl in bed, play some 90's hip hop." I was recently discussing this album with a woman and that's what she told me. OK, the woman was my sister. Needless to say, I did not inquire further. If you want to get a white guy - or, indeed, any guy - in bed, play whatever the fuck you want. German industrial, avant garde classical, Tibetan throat singers, the soundtrack to "My Fair Lady," a Larry the Cable Guy album, all of it will be 100% successful, I guarantee you.
So.... once again, here we have not something I listened to much. Of course, I knew "Officer," just from its ubiquity, but for some reason I had Pharcyde compartmentalized in my head as some kind of joke-rap weed band and that's not them at all! I mean, they definitely have a sense of humor and seem to be familiar with and fond of marijuana, but this album is really good! I was immediately reminded of De La Soul, or maybe even Tribe Called Quest, with a lot of jazzy samples and complex, weaving rhymes. Way more interesting than I was expecting.
And white girls out there, we are onto you now.
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