371. The Temptations, "Anthology"


Another one of those albums you know a ton of songs on, from the early Smokey Robinson-written songs like "The Way You Do The Things You Do" (and boy, those songs sound so Smokey I had to check to make sure it wasn't him singing) through the hits like "Ain't Too Proud to Beg" to the more obscure stuff like "Psychedelic Shack."  Just an incredible barrage of songs you know by heart.  The Temptations didn't just crank out hit after hit, they left an indelible mark on American culture.

(Speaking of, once when I was extremely young I saw one of those duos with two guys with acoustic guitars in a bar playing covers and they played "My Girl" except they substituted "cocaine" for "my girl" in the lyrics so it was like "I guess you'd say/What can make me feel this way?/Cocaine.....Cocaine...."  The crowd ate it up.  The 80's, man.)

Since I've now fucked everything up by mentioning the 80's please slide into your weekend with this clip of the Temptations on popular American TV program "The Love Boat." The few lines of dialogue are overdubbed in what I believe to be Russian? Seems right for some reason.


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