216. Elliott Smith, "Either/Or"
Every once in a while on Twitter the question "what celebrity's death hit you the hardest" and you always get the usual responses - lots of Cobains and Whitney Houstons and River Phoenixes and so forth. But for sensitive, wounded Gen Xers like myself, Elliott Smith is a not uncommon answer. It's my answer. I remember the instant I heard, looking out my office window and feeling shaken and empty and deprived. I literally could not believe it. And I wasn't an Elliott Smith superfan! He just had that kind of impact on me, I guess. This was his last album before jumping to a major label (selling out, I guess, but I don't remember a lot of selling out discourse at the time; it's possible I missed it), it sounds rough and grainy and homemade, which fits because a lot of it was recorded in people's houses - Smith's own, Joanna Bolme's, the house shared by his former bandmembers in Heatmiser. A lot of it is just Smith and acoustic guitar - usu...