5. The Beatles, "Abbey Road"
Did you see the other day that Paul almost got flattened while crossing Abbey Road ? Like, this just happened a couple of day ago! I mean, I'm glad the guy's OK, but wouldn't that be like the most poetic ending possible, especially since the album's cover was integral to the whole " Paul is dead " theory that was a thing in the late 60s because people didn't have the bandwidth for "The CIA is overthrowing Central American countries for the United Fruit Company" or the horrible real conspiracies that were happening. I've thought about it a lot and this might be the album I've listened to more than any other. That is due, in no small measure, to my studio art teacher in high school, who used to regularly play this album while I was in the studio working on my terrible paintings and whatever. I had it cassette and CD. So yeah, I've heard it a ton, but not a lot recently. I used to think of this as One of My Favorite Albums and I g...